Gwenview is by far the most popular image viewer for KDE, and it comes with all the features a well-thought image viewing application should have: it provides a file browser, previews, resizeable thumbnails, and a wealth of plug-ins for basic image manipulation. The sidebar will display image information, together with shortcuts to several useful file operations, like left/right rotation, resize or red eye reduction. You can also insert ratings for your images, up to five stars (handled the same way Amarok 2.0.2 handles ratings for audio files).
Gwenview 2.2.2 - file browser with thumbnail previews

Gwenview is very fast and the port for KDE 4 has a redesigned interface, including the configuration window which is now cleaner (however it lacks several options from the KDE 3, but they will probably be implemented in the versions to come). It supports various image formats, including the popular PNG, JPG, BMP, TGA or XPM formats.

Simply put, Gwenview should be the number one image viewer choice for KDE3 and KDE4 users.
sudo apt-get install gwenview
Eye of GNOME
Well, Eye of GNOME is a simple image viewer for the GNOME desktop environment, but although it has a basic interface it supports many formats. EoG thrives for simplicity, and it comes with a basic, easy-to-use interface, it allows images to be displayed as a slideshow, and it offers basic image manipulation functions like rotate image, zoom in/out, or set as desktop background (works in GNOME).
sudo apt-get install eog
Eye of GNOME 2.26.0

QIV is the acronym for Quick Image Viewer, a very basic image viewer for the X Window System. Although the interface is the most basic there could be, QIV features image zoom, scale, slideshow, rotate image, and even gamma, contrast or brightness correction. However, you will need to know the keyboard shortcuts in order to use those features, which you can find by using the man qiv command.
sudo apt-get install qiv
QIV 2.1 - a viewer with a minimalist interface

Using KDE3 libraries, KuickShow is yet another image viewer, lighter and offering fewer features than Gwenview, but nevertheless, good enough for viewing images in a fast manner. It offers basic image manipulation functions like changing the brightness, contrast or gamma, rotate images, zoom, or save image as a different format.
KuickShow 0.8.13 - a good alternative to Gwenview on KDE 3.5.x

KuickShow is highly configurable and includes a file browser as well.
sudo apt-get install kuickshow
KuickShow - minimalist interface

GQview is a nice, GTK+ image viewer with a clean and intuitive interface with lots of features, including file browser or image manipulation tools. GQview is definitely a very good alternative to the default viewer in GNOME, Eye of GNOME.
sudo apt-get install gqview
GQview 2.0.4

This viewer is the default image viewer in LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) and it offers a minimal interface without menus but a toolbar located at the bottom of the application which includes the main buttons one needs to operate with it. GPicView is worth a look at, no matter what desktop environment you are using.
sudo apt-get install gpicview
GPicView 0.1.11

GImageView, another GTK-based viewer offering pretty much the same features as the last two viewers. It includes a file manager and it opens images in a new, separate window.
GImageView 0.2.27

You can run it as gimv in the Run dialogue or from a terminal.
sudo apt-get install gimageview
Also built in GTK, gThumb provides a clean interface and supports many image formats. gThumb is one of the most popular viewers in GNOME, being easy to use and configure.
sudo apt-get install gthumb
gThumb 2.10.11

This article is part of a series of reviews I'm putting up. Here are the links to the other reviews of Linux applications I've recently published:
14 Most Popular Text Editors for Linux
10 File Managers for Linux
12 Popular Audio Players for Linux - An Overview
5 Best Applications to Rip and Transcode DVDs in Linux
Ubuntu has a lot of great image viewers, no doubt. However I have not yet found one with the ability to cycle through images by date.
Irfanview will let you chose by date descending/ascending to just see the newest images. It works in Crossover but I'd like a native alternative.
It looks like gThumb does the trick! Thanks!
Yes and you can select Reversed Order in the View -> Sort Images menu to have the newest images displayed first.
In gqview you can right click on the file list and sort it however you want, as well as select ascending or not.
gThumb also has a some decentish basic image manipulation tools, and exif info display.
Another viewer that works very well, esp in other WMs and from the cli is feh, which is definitely worth a look - esp for it's index (contact-sheet like) creation facilities.
Don't forget Google's Picasa for Linux.
>Ubuntu has a lot of great image >viewers, no doubt.
Funny things about New/Leenux is that EVERY other distro has the same viewers.
People are going to have to learn to differentiate the desktops like KDE, XCFE, Gnome, E17, etc because that's where the big differences are, NOT between distros.
Take Kubuntu, Mandriva2009 (the original user friendly desktop) and some other KDE4.2 distro and put them side to side and try to tell them apart. Ooooh, this one has a different wallpaper.
Newbs act like Ubuntu discovered fire which is fine, enthusiasm is a good thing for free software but if you know anyting about Linux you should give the whole info and not feed in the meme du jour.
It gets tiring to hear how much choice one distro has when they ALL have the same choice if it uses the same desktop.
Picasa is one I give to newbies on Linux because many of them are familiar with the Windows versions.
Everyone loved Irfan on Windz but Picasa was elegant, smooth.
Of course, like all open source projects from Google, the Linux version is still on version behind Windows so until it does, I woudltn taotally recommend it but when it does, it should be a top 3 choice.
Hey, Im still waiting for them to release their open source browser for Linux so who knows....
I agree. Gets old all the hype about the same programs that every other distro has, and most have had longer.
I've used Mandrake/Mandriva for 8 years and have yet to find a more consistent rock solid user friendly distro.
I'm going to stick with one of the original long standing distros that have been time tested, weathered the storms, and have consistently driven user friendly interfaces to where they are now.
@ the last two Anons
I see your point but I have made a conscience decision to refer only to Ubuntu rather than "Linux". Linux just begs the question, Which one?" This confuses the very newbs to which you refer.
I'm offering an Operating System, not a kernel. I can't imagine handing a Linux disk to a newb and saying first you have to learn to differentiate the desktops like KDE, XCFE, Gnome, E17, etc because that's where the big differences are, NOT between distros.
Gwenview is a personal favorite of mine, it has alot of nice features when browsing folders. Supports .zip files without unzipping as well!
Check out my website i have some similar posts.
I'm still using xnView 1.70 even though it hasn't been updated since 2005, looks ugly and is not even free software.
There is no other viewer for Linux with that many features (Batch conversion/resizing, JPEG lossless rotation, lots of filters, Panorama generator, etc.). The only one I know that supports batch conversion is gwenview, but it's slow on Gnome and still lacks some features I need.
Luckily a new version is in development (currently in Alpha state).
It appears that gwenview is the only viewer that is able to do anything with GIMP's .xcf files. This is pretty important if you're creating a slideshow/presentation out of a bunch of XCFs (or maybe for other graphics work). I see that Nautilus also does okay with XCFs, but they're blurry, and can't be zoomed very far. Furthermore, Nautilus has no slideshow mode.
Here's a request that EyeOfGnome get XCF support:
It would be really nice if I could tell gwenview specifically what files to view, a la "gwenview *.xcf". Presently, it always includes all files (ignoring the glob).
In summary, gwenview does a really nice job of turning a list of XCF files into a full screen slideshow. You'll probably want to name your slide XCFs with numeric prefixes to enforce a slideshow ordering.
If you like Irfanview for Windows, you'll love the features and usability of gThumb. I have recently switched over to Ubuntu from Windows, and gThumb filled the image viewer void and actually surpassed my expectations.
Thank you for the review and thank you all Linux developers to your hard work.
GPicView is the best for Linux Mint and Ubuntu!!!
Love it!!!
Thanks! qiv was just what I needed. Just wanted a minimal slide show app and eye of gnome keeps crashing due to bugs.
XnViewMP is the VERY BEST! Like Fast Stone on Windows. Simple GUI and lots of options.
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